Aharon Moshe's Notebook
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Ten Years Ago

All my leadership potential was developed and nutured in one of the then 108 tuition free 2 year community colleges of the state of California.

I was sitting in the student cafeteria when I was approached with some kind of resolution that called for an alternative to non-dairy creamer such as whole milk for our coffee. The resolution was titled "How now, Brown Cow". Only in California

The discovery of student government. Student governement was the most perfect thing for me to run into at the peak of my idealism. The members of a ten person student elected committee (called the commission) controlled an over $300,000 budget, and you even got a staff parking permit and an office with a telephone on campus. Let me also state right here and now that this was before both the internet and the hey day of the cell phone. So, I got involved in student governement